
Unily talks employee experience and intranets in Brisbane

Unily's new supercharging employee experience masterclass kicked off in the APAC region on Feb 25.

Unily's digital workplace masterclass attendees

Brisbane’s very own event was held at Microsoft offices showing internal communications, HR and IT teams how an intranet can become the foundation to their EX (employee experience) strategy. Multiple sectors were represented as well as different size organizations who came to learn how they can fuel culture, build trust and power innovative ways of working in a centralized digital workplace.

Boosting Brisbane’s employee experience with a modern intranet

An intranet is a vital component to an employee’s working environment and is closely linked to employee experience. During this event, we talked about how to improve employee experience with an intranet platform. We covered various subjects like vision, culture, productivity and user experience within the digital workplace.

We shared our best practices for driving employee experience, latest intranet innovations, key trends and the most recent research within the EX field. These subjects resonated well with the audience since most of them were in midst of getting a new intranet or refreshing its design and content. This masterclass was the perfect opportunity for attendees to apply best practice to their own projects.

A successful intranet masterclass

The room was full of professionals ready to engage, and we found the questions being asked were very relevant to that of the content. Interactions on LinkedIn and Twitter were higher than what we have previously seen.

We would like to give a big thank you to all our incredible attendees who engaged in the event and gave great feedback.

Take a look at the wonderful feedback we received from the event:

"Very enjoyable and informative. Lots of useful and practical advice to take back - thank you"

"Loved the event. Great slides and very clear approach. Love the thoughts about gathering others on the journey"  

Upcoming events in Australia and APAC

Feeling inspired to push the success of your organization’s digital workplace and maximize engagement with an employee intranet?

We are running a whole series of events and webinars across the world so that you can get the most out of your company intranet. Our next event in the APAC region will be: Unily’s supercharge employee experience event coming up in Melbourne, October 20th.

If you have questions about building an engaging, successful digital workplace for your organization, do not hesitate to get in touch with our APAC team.

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