
Badge gamification comes to Unily

The Unily team have been hard at work on some new gamification functionality and we’re pleased to say it’s ready to rock and roll. Say hello to new Badge functionality.

Unily badges on iPhone

What is the new Badge functionality?

Our new Badges functionality allows you to attach custom badges to users' profiles when they’ve achieved a particular milestone. This could be once they’ve created 10 insights or if they’ve provided truly awesome customer service that month. This is all intuitively managed through the CMS with the ability to edit icons, images and colours, helping team leaders take total control on rewarding their employees and inspiring interaction.

Why have we brought this new feature to your intranet?

Our goal at Unily is to bring in new functionality that will truly help to engage employees and support the work they do. Badge functionality is a form of gamification that can really motivate employees to interact with the intranet, complete tasks and share their views, turning it into a challenge to win more and more badges.

Gamification Software

Workplace gamification shares key components with its arcade cousins. The same urge that has you flinging birds with a slingshot or popping animated bubbles can be used to engage employees at work. Say hello to digital workplace gamification.

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For the end-user: motivation to complete tasks, learn new skills and interact with the intranet

End-users are more motivated to complete tasks such as on-boarding or completing their profile if they have the chance to achieve badges and milestones. It also helps to provide some competition amongst peers, with staff able to see what their colleagues have achieved and they haven’t. It can also help to incentivise people to participate more with the intranet and with their team, whether they can achieve a badge for commenting and liking social posts or for creating collaboration groups.

For the team leader: inspire competition and compliance

Badge functionality is a great way for team leaders and managers to inspire competition, participation and compliancy within their own department or across the global organization, awarding employees for completing certain tasks or excelling at their role. Completely managed through our intuitive Content Management System, non-technical users can make badge functionality their own. Think of the possibilities:

  • Reward for most sales in a week
  • Best Customer Service Representative 2016
  • Most Insights contributed to the intranet (per month)
  • Completed Health and Safety Form
  • 100% Complete Profile on the Intranet
  • Employee of the Month
  • Daily Superstar
  • Most Productive

For the intranet stakeholder: increased adoption

Everyone who is involved in the success of their company’s intranet is deeply invested in its adoption. Stakeholders want to do everything they can to make certain their intranet is highly utilized. Unily Badges can help achieve this goal, providing a way for intranet owners to encourage more users to the site. Badge functionality can also be completely personalised to how your business works, whether you want to award great customer service or you want to highlight a key factory worker for fantastic efficiency and most jobs completed. This is also a great example of demonstrating how our best intranet is supporting your wider business goals, helping to improve culture and productivity. As part of the evergreen nature of our Unily platform, Badges are provided to our customers with no additional fees.

This is only the beginning of gamification for Unily, as we continue to develop and add new features over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

We’d love to show you more of Unily’s new badge functionality so get in touch to arrange a demo. If you’re a current customer, you can get more information on how Badge functionality could work for you from your Customer Success Manager.

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