Discover how Unily delivered 385% return on investment
We know enterprises that invest in employee experience are more 4x more profitable, so how much value can an enterprise realize by rolling out a Unily employee experience platform?Unily commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study to unpack the potential ROI of Unily. Through customer interviews and financial modelling techniques, the study found that a composite organization realized a 385% return on investment and payback in less than six months.
In this webinar, we dig into the detail with our guest speaker, the study project director and Forrester TEI Consultant Rishabh Dua.
Watch to learn how one composite organization:
- Saved $4.8m with more efficient content production
- Improved knowledge worker productivity by 50%
- Increased efficiency for IT departments, recouping $500k+
- Saved $400k+ through technology consolidationAccelerate portal development saving IT 400+ hours and $600k+
The Total Economic Impact™ of Unily
How much value could your enterprise realize by rolling out Unily? Download the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ of Unily study to see how one organization drove 385% ROI over three years.
Learn more