Introducing Notifications in Unily
Email is something that has been used for notifying people since… well forever. But we believe that there are other options and they start with the digital workplace. The digital workplace (to me at least) is the idea of an exciting and engaging hub that can unify my digital working processes and tools in one location. But what if when things changed or something I needed to know became available within such a location. How would I find out and where would I look?
Unily features an evergreen roadmap of new features that we roll out to our clients in order to help them maintain a digital workplace solution that remains fit for purpose, and notifications is just the latest string to our bow. So what are the possible benefits offered by the best intranets available now?
Increased employee engagement
One huge benefit of introducing notifications to the digital workplace is to drive employee engagement. Notifying colleagues when content or information that is relevant to them is published or even notifying when they have been mentioned in a real-time conversation can help to engage them with the organization and their colleagues. Help them to stay connected to the things they want from their digital workplace so that it truly becomes the place they go to get everything they need.
Shared knowledge
In increasingly knowledge centric business environments having the right information is crucial to success. Information that is published within the digital workplace has the best chance of reaching the right people to help inform their decisions. Notifications offer the ability to bring that information to the right people’s attention as soon as it becomes available making its potential value greater and more immediate. This can lead to more qualified decision making or even just greater employee awareness of what is happening within the wider business.
Real-time collaboration
When you are working with a number of colleagues around a project or activity, real-time social collaboration can bring immediacy to your work, with information and ideas being moved from locked within a single person into a community with a greater opportunity to add value. Through notifications your people will never miss a conversation that is relevant to them, as they can bring the right people into real-time conversations and be sure that they are notified of what is going on.
Notifications to any device
The Unily intranet software as a service platform offers complete mobile accessibility and is leading the way in cutting edge mobile intranet experiences. As such our new notifications extend to your mobile devices with push notifications. These means that your users can be kept in the loop when they are on the move, simply out of the office or away from their desk.
We can’t wait until this new functionality is brought to Unily solutions, and it won’t be long. Keep an eye out for another announcement as this becomes publicly available!
Not a Unily customer yet? Speak to us today to organize a personalized demo and take a look at the notifications functionality for yourself.
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