Create smarter digital experiences with Microsoft’s QnA Maker bot
We are delighted to announce that Unily’s Employee Experience Platform now features a deep integration with Microsoft's Azure QnA Maker. Underpinned by Microsoft’s cognitive services and natural language processing capabilities, the new bot will be able to understand your users and route them to content faster than ever.
The benefits of Microsoft QnA Maker Bot
#1. Simple answers to simple questions
Provide answers to frequently asked questions through your Bot, anytime, anywhere. Reduce wasted effort in producing the same answer dozens of times a week, or reduce tickets to your service desk by introducing smarter and more convenient mechanisms.
Remember: Your Bot can make him or herself available 24/7 - why not enlist them?
#2. Quicker access to information
Enterprise portals can be extremely rich with large volumes of useful content and it’s not always easy for users to find exactly what they’re looking for in a timely manner. Navigating your site might take users to where they need to be and powerful search can get you content quickly, but when you just need an answer your Bot might be your best friend.
The customer experience boost you need: Resolving user queries directly will improve your CX scores.
#3. Facilitate self-service
A key goal in today’s enterprise is to provide self-service capabilities and automate as many simple tasks for your users. The integration of the QnA Maker Bot could support you in taking the self-service elements of your platform to the next level. With the ability to connect to information throughout a conversation, your users will be empowered with the knowledge they need to get tasks done faster and easier.
Handy tip: Your QnA Maker Bot can provide links to handy content anywhere inside or outside your platform.
#4. Building a smarter knowledge base
Using the QnA Maker Bot you can easily add hundreds of questions and answers to your knowledge base all from directly within Unily’s Employee Experience Platform. As your users interact with your Bot you can track analytics and user engagement and the more you know about exactly what they’re looking for the more you can help them. This is the kind of smart user experience that users have come to expect from the modern enterprise.
Understand your users and make your knowledge go further: This is your opportunity to make your knowledge reach further and do more for both your users and your business.
#5. Enrich user experiences for any audience
"Chatbots aren’t just for Millennials. This a technology that has the potential to improve online experiences for all consumers, regardless of age."
You may find that there are gaps in your digital touchpoints with employees, partners or even your customers – maybe users aren’t going to your key landing pages or they’re missing out on key messaging. Using the QnA Maker Bot you can help drive your users to the digital experiences that most enrich their experience of your organization.
Brand character: Everyone loves a Bot with a bit of personality – add conversational elements and style your responses to design a character that reinforces your brand messaging.
Find out how Unily's new bot could benefit your enterprise by speaking to one of our consultants today. Not ready for a conversation? Get a demo instead!