
employee gamification platform

Level up your enterprise employee engagement with built-in gamification software

Workplace gamification shares key components with its arcade cousins. The same urge that has you flinging birds with a slingshot or popping animated bubbles can be used to engage employees at work. Say hello to digital workplace gamification.


unily leaderboards and badges
  • "Our intranet has a high degree of engagement and readership - we're really seeing our community come alive."

    Lui Mancinelli - SVP Marketing, Communications and PR at Stantec
  • The EstĂ©e Lauder Companies

    "We needed the design to be super elegant and the UX had to be really strong. It needed to be multi-sensory so users want to reach out and touch it, then talk about it and use the social features to take that message, and what they've learned, and share it with other employees."

    Kerry O'Donnell - Executive Director, Information Technology at The Estée Lauder Companies
  • "Unily has great search capabilities, contemporary design, is viewable on any device and soon will allow us to reach employees in our distribution centers, labs, and transport networks for the first time. It’s a real game changer for us."

    Kerry Christopher - VP Internal Communications at Cardinal Health


Use gamification to make employee engagement fun! Encourage participation through easy-to-use mechanisms like voting, polls, reactions, points, badges and more. Bring the functionality your employees use in the outside world into their digital workplace.

Unily awards


Turn your intranet into a home for collaboration and ideas with a pre-built ideation hub. Give employees a way to submit new ideas and use features like commenting, upvoting, and leaderboards to keep track of what's popular, democratizing the idea process.


Use simple functionality like polls and custom reactions to encourage feedback from every employee, rather than just the loudest percentage. Next-generation employee experience platforms provide channels for employees to connect with peers, contribute to enterprise-wide discussions, and react to content posted by senior leadership.

Social Intranet


Gamification in the workplace is nothing new; leaderboards, badges, and even ‘points’ pre-date the digitized versions we see today. Through the use of technology to bring familiar digital mechanisms from games, social platforms, and more, we can more easily engage the internet-raised millennials and Gen Z on their way to dominating the workforce.


Encourage employee recognition with easy-to-use gamified mechanisms that help celebrate your people and their successes. Incentivize competition with leaderboards, and let your employees thank each other with peer-to-peer recognition linked directly to your brand values.

Employee Rewards & Recognition

kudos leaderboard


Use game-functionality to make important information easy to digest and engaging. Through the use of forms, quizzes and even gaming ‘easter eggs’ within the platform, you can make sure your employees have critical knowledge. You can also encourage learning through the use of badges, points and leaderboards.

Employee Gamification FAQs

What is employee gamification?

Gaming elements have been brought into non-gaming activity to drive engagement long before digitization. Customer loyalty programs, school stickers, and employee leader boards predate the computer age, and “the game of work” was coined by Charles Coonradt back in the 1970’s. Modern employee gamification builds on these existing principles by bringing functionality and UX from games into the digital workplace, like points, score, real-time leaderboards, gaining badges, and more.

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What are the benefits of gamification in the workplace?

Gamification is proven to improve employee engagement, performance and retention. With 72% of employees claiming gamification inspires them to work harder [Medium], it has fast become a different and exciting way for employers to encourage recognition in the workplace, igniting the spark of friendly competition and increasing motivation to do well. Thanks to the growing sophistication and capabilities of employee experience platforms like Unily, gamification can be woven into the platform as standard.

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How do you engage employees through gamification?

Within Unily there are a number of mechanisms used to increase employee engagement through gamification. Things like:

  1. Leaderboards
  2. Peer-to-peer recognition points
  3. Awards & badges
  4. Polls & quizzes
  5. Custom reactions & voting
  6. Progression bars & gauges
  7. Social shout-outs
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How do you gamify teamwork?

In the workplace, it's easy to tap into the competitive spirit and incentivize employees to be engaged and productive, and when done correctly, can help to power a positive and collaborative employee experience. With a pre-built ideation, employees can collaborate with their team or the wider company. Unily also enables anybody within the company to give points to whole teams, recognising their contributions as one.

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