
Workplace Collaboration Software

Unleash the full potential of your global workforce

Pave the way for productivity by equipping your workforce with faster access to collaboration tools. Unily delivers a single pane of glass experience that empowers everyone to work efficiently and take full advantage of your enterprise's collective insights.


Productivity and collaboration
  • The Estée Lauder Companies

    "We needed the design to be super elegant and the UX had to be really strong. It needed to be multi-sensory so users want to reach out and touch it, then talk about it and use the social features to take that message, and what they've learned, and share it with other employees."

    Kerry O'Donnell - Executive Director, Information Technology at The Estée Lauder Companies
  • "The Unily platform allows our employees to access relevant content more quickly, choose how and when they stay informed and take advantage of opportunities to collaborate more effectively with colleagues."

    Carly Nankin - Head of Internal Communications and Engagement at Cathay Pacific
  • "As our colleagues are used to using Facebook, Twitter, and so on - to have the same great user experience with an internal tool is a gift for them."

    Raphaèle Lhomel - Deputy Head of Communications at Adecco

Social channels that drive innovation

Keep the conversation around new projects and initiatives alive through dedicated social channels and discussion forums. Encourage workplace collaboration with familiar social experiences that give everyone a voice.

Social Intranet

Collaborating and file sharing on a forum

Pre-built ideation hub

Unlock collaboration and innovation by turning your intranet into a home for ideas with a pre-built ideation hub. Give employees a way to submit new ideas, collaborate and use social features like commenting, upvoting, and leaderboards to keep track of what's popular.

Publish and distribute content with ease

Give everyone the opportunity to share insights with an intuitive intranet CMS that makes it easy for anyone to spin up compelling content quickly. Employee's can also publish content without CMS access through front-end publishing, ensuring collaboration across your entire business. 

Intranet CMS

Creating targeted content in the CMS
digital noise report portrait cover

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Discover new data highlighting the negative impact of digital interruptions on wellbeing and productivity across Financial and Professional services

Single pane of glass experience

Constant platform switching can be a drain on employee efficiency. Unily delivers seamless integrations and single pane of glass experiences that take productivity to the next level. Link up with existing collaboration software you have within your business and enable quick access from your intranet homepage.

Intranet Integrations

Integrated apps boosting productivity

Find anything across your digital landscape

Searching for information takes time. A Google-like search experience makes it quicker and easier to find answers, empowering your workforce to make more informed decisions. 

Intranet Search

Enterprise search results

Workplace Collaboration FAQs

What is employee collaboration?

Employee collaboration is when individuals work together in a coordinated and cooperative manner to achieve shared goals and objectives within a workplace. It involves communication, idea sharing, and joint efforts to accomplish tasks and projects. Workplace collaboration software is one example of a tool companies can use to inspire and encourage employee collaboration.

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What are the three benefits of collaboration?

Workplace collaboration contributes to individual and organizational success in several ways. Three key benefits are:

  • Improved Creativity and Innovation: Collaboration among workers unites diverse perspectives and opinions, fueling new and creative thinking. When people with different backgrounds and expertise collaborate, they often generate unique solutions and approaches that might not have been possible in isolation.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Employee collaboration allows team members to leverage each others’ strengths, distribute tasks effectively, and avoid duplication of efforts. This leads to improved productivity and more efficient task completion, especially when complex projects require multiple skill sets.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Digital collaboration in the workplace involves utilizing technology to gather insights and knowledge from various team members, which leads to better-informed decisions. By considering different viewpoints and expertise, teams can make more balanced and practical choices that address a wider range of potential outcomes.
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Why is digital collaboration important?

Digital collaboration, supported by workplace collaboration software, is crucial due to its ability to:

  • Overcome Geographic Barriers: Connect teams regardless of physical location, enabling real-time communication and project management, through auto-translations.
  • Streamline Information Sharing: Facilitate swift sharing of documents and data, expediting decision-making and ensuring up-to-date materials.
  • Save Time and Costs: Eliminate the need for extensive travel, thereby reducing expenses and allowing efficient resource allocation.
  • Enhance Documentation: Ensure every employee can create compelling content, quickly, and share their insights with colleagues, through an intuitive, AI-assisted CMS.
  • Improve Communication: Offer versatile communication channels, promoting clear and effective information exchange, using social features.
  • Adapt to Scale: Accommodate both small teams and large initiatives, catering to varying project sizes.
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What is an example of digital collaboration?

An example of digital collaboration among employees is when a team is spread across different locations and must utilize online tools and platforms to collaborate on a project. This could involve using video conferencing software, cloud-based document sharing, project management software, and communication tools like auto-translations to work together effectively.

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What is workplace collaboration?

Workplace collaboration refers to employees’ collective efforts to work together, leveraging their skills and knowledge, to achieve common business objectives within an organization. It involves sharing information, collaborating on projects, and creating a culture where teamwork is encouraged. This collaboration can be further supported through the adoption of digital tools.

Companies can use workplace collaboration software to achieve digital collaboration among workers. This technology can improve innovation, problem-solving, and overall organizational success, allowing employees to collaborate wherever they might be in the world through social features and document-sharing capabilities.

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What are the four types of collaboration?

Employee collaboration can be classified into four main types:

  • Cooperative Collaboration: This involves people contributing their unique skills and expertise towards a common goal. It's about combining strengths to achieve a shared outcome.
  • Coordination Collaboration: Where individuals work on separate, interdependent tasks that need to be synchronized for successful completion.
  • Collaborative Problem Solving: Here, a group of people works together to identify challenges, brainstorm solutions, and make collective decisions.
  • Collaborative Learning: This emphasizes knowledge sharing and skill development through group learning activities, discussion, and knowledge exchange.
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How do you demonstrate collaboration in the workplace?

There are various actions that demonstrate collaboration among employees within a workplace. These may include:

  • Actively participating in team discussions by sharing ideas.
  • Willingly assisting colleagues with their tasks and projects.
  • Offering constructive feedback and suggestions to improve collective work.
  • Engaging in open and respectful communication.
  • Contributing to group decisions and taking joint responsibility for outcomes.
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