
Unily supports Ragan’s Intranet Best Practice Conference this December

Unily will sponsor Ragan’s Intranet Best Practice Summit, Hosted at IBM’s Offices in Boston this December


Increasing Internal Comms with an Intranet

Ragan’s Intranets Best Practices Conference will show you how top organisations have launched an intranet platform to help a mobile –centric workforce increase collaboration and productivity. Hosted IBM's offices in Boston, you’ll learn the practical, cost-effective strategies they used to gain leadership support, find the right tools, ensure high engagement and to drive success.

Join our Lightening Talk as we’ll show you how to launch a modern intranet using intelligent integrations at 2.50pm on Day 1 of the summit. 

This session will show you:

  • The power of a modern intranet
  • How Office 365 and SharePoint can support your platform
  • Bringing it all together in a modern intranet with real-world examples

Visit the Unily booth as we’ll share exciting new innovations to our intranet-as-a-service product, Unily.

Register your details to schedule an onsite meeting to discuss your intranet project. 

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