
Intranet masterclass: how to stay ahead of the game - London

Launching an intranet in 2018 is more exciting than ever before, with so much to consider it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to formulating a goal-scoring strategy.

Unily Intranet Masterclass Seminar in London

Join our seminar at Microsoft's offices in London, Paddington as we explore the things you need to know when launching an intranet in order to stay ahead of the game. From preparing your business to building your platform, all the way to navigating your way around GDPR and information management, you'll be sure to walk away better informed, inspired and more confident about how you're approaching your intranet project. 

If you're launching an intranet or looking to update an existing platform, this session is perfect for you. You'll also get the chance to ask your questions and network with your local intranet community. 

Register by completing the form on this page. 

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