
EMEA Unily Success Seminar 2018

Join us at the first EMEA Unily Success Seminar at Microsoft’s London HQ for a chance to network with the Unily community and learn how to drive success.

London at sunset after a successful day launching a Unily intranet

Designed exclusively for Unily customers, we’ll share best practice, inspiring case studies, the 2018 roadmap, and tips for driving and measuring success.

When? February 2 2018   Time? 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM   Where? Microsoft, 2 Kingdom St, London W2 6BD

Wherever you are in your Unily journey, this event will inspire your strategy and help you to understand where to go next. You’ll also get the valuable opportunity to meet, share and learn with our diverse community, which includes every sector and size.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information, contact

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