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Unite 19: Wrapping up Unily's biggest event yet

After an exhilarating few months preparing for Unily's biggest conference to date and two unforgettable days in New York, it's time to wrap up Unite 19.

The Unite 19 story

Much like Unily itself, Unite 19 started out as a big idea backed by a small but fearsome team. Months of hard work paid off when we were joined by more than 200 of the brightest minds from leading brands across the globe to exchange ideas, network, learn and have some good times along the way. Now it's all over, the marketing team has one final request before we sigh a breath of relief and get to work on upping our game for next year.

Thanks to our attendees

To all our attendees, we extend the most sincere thanks, not only for joining us but for matching our energy pound for pound (we're back in UK currency now!). It was a joy to see so many of you there and we doubt the Mezzanine has ever been filled with such a concentration of expertize. Your input - be it as speakers, interrogators or simply engaged observers - made Unite 19 what it was. Thank you!

Your feedback, please!

To help us make next year's event even better, please take a few moments to complete our feedback form. We've made it as quick and easy as possible for you to give us your valuable insights, so please click through now while it's still fresh in your mind. We want to know everything about your experience - from how engaging you found the content to where you would like to see next year's event held - so don't hold back.

Nielsen Norman Intranet Design 2020 Awards

As plugged by their Senior VP Kara Pernice in her opening keynote, Nielsen Norman's Intranet Design Awards are now accepting entries for 2020. This is an opportunity to have your hard work recognized on a global stage by the most notorious intranet awards in the industry. Flight Centre set the bar high this year, but with five Unily winners in the last six years, we're confident we've got another in our midst.

To enter, register your interest using the feedback form or contact casey.farr@unily.com.

Resources available on Success

Over the two days, we covered a breadth of topics on everything from building integrations with Unily to managing adoption with an evergreen platform. There were so many valuable takeaways, we're aware there may be things you missed. So, for those of you who have asked about obtaining copies of the presentations featured at Unite 19, we hear you. Content will be flooding the Success portal in the coming weeks -and we've even put together a few extras to help you get the most out of it - so stay tuned.

Unite 20

Finally, while the fun is over, for now, it's not forever. Planning for Unite 20 is already underway and we're gearing up to make it even bigger and better. So watch this space.

Please be sure to complete the feedback form to vote which city Unite 20 should be held in.

Thanks again for an unforgettable two days, we hope it lived up to your expectations and we can't wait to do it all over again next year!